

Panel discussion #4 Entanglements of Social, Environmental and Climate Justice

6 - 8 pm

Departing from Ayọ̀ Akínwándé’s video performance Ogoni Cleanup, on view in the exhibition Fossil Experience, this panel will examine Shell’s responsibility in the Niger Delta. Expanding the frame, the panel will discuss decolonial perspectives on climate and environmental justice. How to redress the traumata of centuries of colonial and corporate exploitation, which has reached genocidal and ecocidal proportions?


Panel discussion #2 “Does this seem like a desert to you?”

7 - 9 pm

Tesla is a profit-oriented player that self-styles as being, in its own words, “driven by sustainability”. Yet here, the third largest car assembly factory in Europe seems set to threaten the water quality – and water supply – for a major metropolis in favour of producing luxury cars. How will this affect the region’s ability to adapt to the ongoing rise in temperatures due to climate change?


Panel discussion #1 Local action for a climate-neutral, fossil-free city for all!

7 - 9 pm

What has been done since the climate emergency was declared in 2019? What structural changes in terms of infrastructure, energy provision, and transport must be implemented in Berlin, and which stakeholders are driving for such changes? How can the transformation be financed while ensuring that housing is affordable for all? How might art and culture contribute to the development of a post-fossil and sustainable city?